Thursday, October 29, 2015


A child spends maximum time at home and gets his first lessons of life here. He learns by exploring and scrutinizing different things in the house. So it is important that he grows up in a safe environment. Homes need to be tailored to ensure the safety of your child and avoid serious injuries or accidents. Thus, it is crucial that your home consists of products that are child friendly. Things that help in your daily routine but could be dangerous for the child should be placed out of the reach of the little one.
As soon as your child is old enough to move around, he will start picking things and playing with them. So make sure you give sufficient thought to your child’s safety and modify your home accordingly. Given below are some tips that will help you to convert your home into a child friendly haven:

1.      Surveying the Surroundings
·         Survey the house and identify the areas that could be a potential threat to your child.
·         Check for things in these areas that you consider unsafe for the little one and replace these with safer things. In case, there are things that are irreplaceable like knives, scissors, medicines, tools etc., make sure they are stored in high areas and cupboards which the child cannot reach.
·         You might also want to modify certain furniture pieces to ensure that your little one does not get hurt by bumping into the edges.

2.      Child Friendly Furniture
Though it might seem like a good idea to seat your toddler in the same furniture that you use, it is not always possible to keep an eye on the little one. Accidents could occur within a matter of seconds.

·         Use infant chairs and carriers which are specially designed for little children and follow all safety rules.
·         While carrying your child along or watching television, strapping would ensure complete safety for the little one.
·         It is much safer to strap your child into a car seat while travelling or driving, rather than making him sit on your lap.
·         Use a baby cot to put your baby to sleep. A baby cot comes with side rails that are fall safe at the right height.
·         Invest in a baby swing which is much safer and gives just as much indoor fun.

3.       Kitchen Safe
Kitchen contains a lot of things that could be unsafe for your child. He could suffer cuts from various cooking appliances or suffer burns.
·         It would be a good idea to use a safety barrier to prevent your child from gaining access into the kitchen. In case, this is not possible, make sure you always keep an eye on your child.
·         Keep all sharp objects away from reach.
·         Never cooking on the gas stove with your child in your arms.
·         Keep lighters and matches away from the reach of toddlers
·         Do not place hot vessels and food at the counter edges where the child has easy access to these.
·         Make sure that all home cleaning accessories like phenyl, detergents, soaps etc are locked away in a safety cabinet.

4.      Electrical Appliances
With their tendency to explore, children like to touch everything and poke their fingers in all visible holes including the plug sockets
·         Install plug sockets with covers that latch on to them when not in use.
·         Make sure that the switches are out of reach of your toddler.
·         Use an ironing board to iron your clothes. After ironing, ensure that the wire of the iron is not dangling from the edges making it easy for the child to pull it. If possible, invest in a cordless iron which is definitely much safer in a house with little children.
·         In case you use a table fan, do not let your child anywhere near it. When not in use, unplug the fan and keep it away.

5.      Doors and Windows
There have been many instances when children have got injured because of their little fingers getting caught in the door hinges.
·         Install door stoppers and finger pinch guard for all the doors in the house.
·         While keeping windows open, make sure that they are properly secured and won’t close due to the gust.
·         Always keep the outer doors to balconies and verandas locked to ensure that your little one does not venture out by himself.
·         There are special security gates that ensure complete safety of your child. It would be a good idea to get this installed in your house.

6.      Taps and Tubs
There are many ways in which your child could get injured and bathroom is another area which can be a cause of concern, many a times.
·         The taps that dispel hot water should always be at a considerable height to ensure that the child cannot open these. He could get scalded with hot water.
·         In case, you have a bath tub installed, make sure that you store away the plug of the tub. Even if your child plans to get naughty, the absence of plug would ensure that the tub does not fill up.
·         Use a skid proof mat while bathing your child.
·         Never leave your child unattended when giving him a bath.
·         Store things like razors, blades etc at places where child cannot reach.
·         Close the toilet lid after use. If need be install a safety latch for the toilet.
·         Do not place toilet cleaners and other accessories on the floor where the child has an easy access to these.

7.      Toys
Your child spends a lot of time playing with his toys. Thus, it is important that you get him toys that are safe for children.
·         Buy age appropriate toys for your child. Check a baby gear tree to ascertain the kind of toys that are safe for your little one.
·         The toys should be made of non toxic materials as toddlers have a habit of putting everything into their mouth.
·         Any toys with small parts that could cause choking hazards are best avoided.
·         Some toys work on button batteries. Make sure you secure the battery units properly so that your child cannot get his hands on these.
·         Avoid toys with sharp edges.
·         Stuff toys are best avoided as the fur is not safe and traps dust and dirt easily.

8.      Medicines
You might have noticed that most medicines come with a potential warning.
·         Store all medicines in a medicine cabinet or cupboard that can be locked and store the key away.
·         Even seemingly harmless medical accessories like ear buds, nutrition supplement should all be kept away from reach of the children.
As they say, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Effective communication with your child will help you teach him personal safety. However, it is important that you keep your eyes open to ensure that your child does not fall prey to any accidents or mishaps, in the wake of his curiosity. 

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